OH my word, now this latest leader of the political party who could hold their annual conference in a phone box is demanding Scottish politicians be barred from talking about their own country’s future and how to escape the complete and utter abuse and stranglehold of a bullying neighbour.

We struggling Scots have to sit and watch helplessly as our neighbours very deliberately and systematically close down one Scottish industry after another and have to watch as our towns and cities crumble in front of our eyes as we are forbidden to access our own resources, and you wonder why there’s a drink and drug problem up here?

READ MORE: Russell Findlay: Scottish Tories will try to block debates on independence

It’s 100% created by Westminster, and started way back when Thatcher very deliberately destroyed our industries. But hey, we’re all in this together, said every liar ever.

Let me get this right ... Russell Findlay is saying he wants Scotland to never prosper, and that talking about this completely untenable situation is NOT the day job when it is a thousand times more important than anything else they could ever debate. Every single one of Scotland’s problems comes from the situation we ludicrously find ourselves in where we are not allowed access to own own huge resources, we are not allowed a Scottish media, we are not allowed to borrow money and we are completely at the whims of a neighbouring country to as to how much of the vast wealth stolen from Scotland we are allowed to have each year to try keep the country running. It’s like some far-fetched, terribly written B-movie, it really is.

Going back to Findlay, this is basically what he is saying, we are to ignore every lie Scots were told in 2014 about how voting Yes would result in banks closing, higher energy bills, job insecurity, higher mortgage rates, terrible pensions and of course the coup de grace when it comes to downright lies, we would be throw out of the EU.

READ MORE: Russell Findlay given job that not even his own party cares about

In reality the only thing that should ever be spoken about and debated is how to win Scotland’s independence so we can then tackle all the Westminster-created problems. Until then, nothing more should be discussed as miraculously you would see nearly all of the current London-created problems dissipate or resolve themselves entirely if a land unbelievably was allowed access to its own resources.

As for Findlay announcing he will be appointing his “front bench” in the next few days, the way his reviled party is going there may be more on his front bench than there are Scottish Tory members!

It really is beyond words, the delusion of these people with Scottish accents who fight tooth and nail to ensure their own land and their own children never prosper, all because they are too feart to live in a hugely resource-rich land where everyone will benefit. Ah, there’s the rub of it right there ... their Mother England wouldn’t be able to continue the biggest and longest-running robbery in history.

READ MORE: Russell Findlay characterising taxation as theft is revealing

Until we get leaders who will stop at nothing to gain our freedom we will have to put up with cretins like this genuinely trying to ruin all our lives. Just look at it at the moment, not just up here but down there too. Which one of these would you trust to even go to the shop for you to get the paper? Sarwar, Murray, Findlay, Ross, Baillie, Starmer, Sunak, Truss, Reeves, Rayner, Johnson, Mundell x2, Fraser, Lammy, Cooper, Kerr, Shanks, Badenoch, Jenrick, Not-so-Cleverly, Cole-Hamilton etc etc. No I didn’t think so.

Here’s a wee idea, we could kill two birds with the one stone: how about all the anti-Scottish “Scottish” politicians and their parties who fight tooth and nail to try ensure their own land never prospers are given their passport to their imaginary land of milk and honey (but no oil, whisky or renewables) by being transported in the nuclear subs in the Holy Loch, down to somewhere south of the wall? This would gie us aw some peace for a change!

All joking apart, the list could go on forever, but this gives you an idea of the complete and utter fools either in control of our lives, or involved in genuinely trying to ruin Scotland and its people from ever being able to enjoy the kinds of lives people in small, rich, independent countries live, and it’s downright criminal.

Iain K