Readers of The National

Latest articles from Readers of The National

Letters The SNP must wake up to the fact that Scots want competent politicians

JACK Bell of Glasgow (Letters, Jul 23) accuses me and other contributors of “doing the Unionists’ job for them”. I would contend that those doing the Unionists’ job sadly inhabit some of the upper tiers of the SNP leadership and have been greatly aided over past few years by some apparent supporters of independence, like Mr Bell, who refuse to see the reality of the current Scottish political situation brought into sharp focus by the recent UK General Election result.

Letters Any indy strategy reliant on negotiations with Westminster will fail

TOMMY Sheppard is spot-on in his article in The National (Jul 22) when he says we need a brand new strategy for the road to independence, indeed the SNP leadership have needed this since Nicola Sturgeon’s legal strategy fell apart at the hands of the UK Supreme Court in November 2022. If the SNP leadership had addressed this positively in 2023 they would not have lost so many seats at the General Election, but better late than never.

Letters 'Equality' must not be used as an excuse for anti-citizen legislation

READER M Ross is right to say that the only rights are equal rights, and we all have the right to be different (Letters, July 18), although I find Caitlin Logan’s assertion about non-binary people in the context of recent discussion about sex and gender issues to be somewhat problematic, particularly as there seems a determined attempt