HERE’S a wee thought about our “nuclear deterrent” – we don’t have one.

Would the US give us the go-ahead to launch a retaliatory strike against Russia if it took out our nuclear bases with conventional or nuclear missiles in order to prevent UK escalation of the war in Ukraine by allowing long-range strikes within Russia’s borders using our missiles?

I seriously believe the US would not risk further escalation with Russia and would write off the defence of the UK to preserve its own country. It would not release the launch codes for our nukes and would not retaliate against Russia itself, opting for a diplomatic solution.

So Sir Keir, Whether or not you press the red button it is all hypothetical. We, especially in Scotland (remember us?), will be toast if Vlad decides to remind the other UN countries to “think again”.

Please remove your obscene and illegal WMDs at your earliest convenience from Scotland.

Andy Pearson

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