I HAVE always admired folk who stick by their principles even when it’s to their detriment. On the flip side of the coin, I’ve always had utter contempt for those who, in the words of the irrepressible Groucho Marx, live by the maxim of: “These are my principles. If you don’t like them, I have others!”

Clearly there is no doubt in my mind that Keir Starmer inhabits the latter category!

Following the vote in the Commons on the SNP’s (aye, the SNP, not the Labour Party of Keir Hardie and Aneurin Bevan!) amendment to the King’s Speech calling for the two-child benefit cap to be scrapped, the following Labour MPs definitely fall into the category of the properly principled ones: Ian Byrne, Imran Hussain, John McDonnell, Richard Burgon, Apsana Begum, Zarah Sultana (below) and Rebecca Long-Bailey.

(Image: PA)

These principled ones were predictably promptly suspended from the parliamentary party by Mr Macho Man himself, Starmer, and from now on will most definitely be deemed to be persona non grata by anyone with serious career ambitions under him that should be obeyed!

The Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland has stated that abolishing the cap – which it estimated would cost £1.3 billion – would lift 250,000 bairns throughout the UK out of poverty including 15,000 in Scotland. Barnardo’s chief executive Lynn Perry called the limit “one of the biggest policy drivers of child poverty” and it should be scrapped.

My understanding is that this is the unanimous view of organisations dealing with poverty throughout the UK, In July 2015, a whole nine years ago, the chancellor, George Osborne, famously – more like infamously! – stated during his Budget speech: “Those with the broadest shoulders are bearing the greatest burden.” Really? Aye, right!

It’s very simple. These folk quite rightly expect finally, under a Labour government, for those with the broadest shoulders to finally cough up, and big style! Don’t be silly! Under Starmer, Labour haven’t just lost their soul, they’ve sold it to the devil that is the English establishment and right-wing press. I acknowledge that under Starmer Labour will no doubt increase the number of crumbs the dirt-poor and working folk can feed off from the rich man’s table. Meanwhile, though, the rich and powerful will still have ginormous hooses, prestigious German cars sitting glowing in their pristine, manicured drives. Zero change there!

So returning to the issue of the two-child benefit cap, Starmer might at some point scrap it – but only when his lordship thinks it just! – and significantly help out those families affected by it. Meantime, these families will have to wait patiently as Starmer has much more pressing priorities on his mind. I can already hear him thinking, “How do I help the poor without hacking off the Daily Mail?”

An independent Scotland, with proper genuine principles, will do so much better than this. Labour voters in Scotland from just three weeks ago, think on! The SNP will most certainly piss off Starmer’s much-loved Daily Mail – and big style!
Ivor Telfer
Dalgety Bay

SO we now have a new London government apparently voted in on what they call a landslide, when in reality only one in five of the electorate voted for them. How the British establishment can twist things out of all reality is mind-blowing.

On a tiny turnout of nowhere near 60% of the electorate, the new false Labour Party still managed a supposed majority by winning a tiny 34% of the votes while 66% voted against them! Let’s be honest, the whole world and his auntie could see there was next to zero genuine enthusiasm for Starmer’s new Red Tories whatsoever, people just needed Anyone But The Tories.

I have been saying this for at least a year now, but mark my words, Keir Starmer’s reign will be an unmitigated disaster, as downright lies, broken promises and zero genuine ideas can only take you so far. And these are people’s lives he is playing with. We can all see Starmer lied through his teeth to become the leader of the Labour Party, and once his deceit worked, he then went all out to start destroying the very raison d’être of the party. Though it’s not all thanks to him – the demise had been started a few years before by the war-mongering, Tory Blair, ably assisted by his sidekick, our very own Gordon Brown, who apart from pretending that Scotland would be better in the Union in 2014, was also far and away the worst chancellor in history.

The charmer Starmer has now taken the whip away from Labour MPs who dared to care for children and voted against the two-child cap – which, naturally, he vowed to remove if he came to power.

Words fail me on this excuse of a man, as it would have taken just two weeks of the grotesque armaments budget to resolve this inhuman law.

Have no fear, though, we now have those loveable Tories starting to raise their empty heads above the parapet to put themselves forward to be the new leader of their party that brought us arguably the most catastrophic period of governance in the history of the world.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you James not-so-Cleverly – the self-same clown who said the people-elected Scottish Government had to be chaperoned when flying round the world to sell Scotland’s huge assets and innovation, in case they mentioned the “I” word.

Do me a favour – if this is the calibre of candidate that abominable, crooked, clueless party has to offer, then it surely must be time that this archaic first-past-the-post system that ensures only Red and Blue Tories ever get into power despite decades of complete and utter failure after failure is finally removed. With London and Belarus two of the only places on earth with this system, is it any coincidence both have their own forms of dictatorships?

Meanwhile, at “Scottish” Tory HQ, there’s another leadership race. I can just picture it now. Colouring in his hand-drawn Union flags, the next candidate is called before the committee. He walks in nervously, sits down and is asked one simple question: “Why do you think you are the man to ensure your own country never prospers and never gets access to its own huge resources, and how would you ensure your neighbours can continue to rob your own country blind in perpetuity? You have 45 seconds. Your time starts now”

Never forget all the above clowns are the actual people who stop Scotland – and, more importantly, our own children and families – from EVER prospering.

Take Kate Forbes last week heading down to Westminster to ask for funds to save some of our shipyards. The same London government that is slowly but surely trying to asset-strip oil-rich Scotland’s remaining manufacturing industry and who without doubt wants our only oil refinery to close, as it tries to ensure Scotland will never be able to stand on its own two feet again. It has to stop and cannot stop a moment too soon.

Kate Forbes is one of the brightest talents in politics at present, the person London could not have winning the position of First Minister in Scotland as she would be a clear and present danger, but they need not have worried, the SNP put paid to a genuine talent taking the controls when Nicola Sturgeon called it a day, by pushing their ever-diminishing membership to vote for easily the weakest of the three candidates.

I have to add that the persistent attacks on Kate Forbes from former and current SNP MSPs are absolutely disgraceful, and these people need to wake up and smell the roses. Kate Forbes is someone who knows there’s a fine balance between a successful and caring country – one who hundreds of thousands of current No voters, fed up with decades of constant London misrule and downright lies, may vote for in an instant. Unfortunately, in the present situation, these voters feel they simply cannot trust the SNP, as they feel that they have had mandate after mandate yet somehow managed to completely abuse the trust the people had placed in them. Instead, the SNP have let themselves go completely off the rails and start to fixate on just about anything and everything EXCEPT what the hard-working, hard-pressed people of this nation wanted.

The jury is still out if they will ever get even remotely back to anywhere near the levels of trust they had before they imploded. Instead, everyone you talk to seems to think those in power in the SNP think we live in some independent hippie-like paradise where everyone loves each other and everything will be okay without industry or common sense. They need to wake up as these places simply do not exist and we will NEVER gain our independence without a huge rethink, a cold dose of reality and leaders with a vision and a backbone who will not go cap in hand to people hell-bent on ensuring they hold on to another nation’s huge resources.

The current situation is absolutely nonsensical. If the SNP are no longer fit for purpose, perhaps it’s time the best business brains, academics and politicians wanting our nation to come out of the middle ages looked at creating a fresh, new political party to fight for and actually gain our independence. One thing’s for sure, under the current SNP thinking, we will still be waiting 100 years from now for independence.

You have to fight for what you believe in and if the people of Scotland want independence – and I think the vast majority do – they would jump at it under a solid political party they could genuinely trust who listened to them and acted on their concerns.

Unlike what some seem to think, politicians are public servants put in positions of authority by us – they’re far from the sort of superior intellectual beings who would actually give us a fighting chance at independence.

Regardless, the Scottish Government could do a lot worse than tell London that it is going to hold a referendum. In the best possible reality, we will already be a self-proclaimed independent nation, and on the result of the obvious Yes vote, it will announce Scotland is leaving on a certain date, leaving plenty of time for adult conversations, agreements and deals. And if London refuses to acknowledge this, then they will be told in no certain terms that we have no option but to take it out of their hands and go above their heads.

I think not only would it be the best-ever situation for Scotland, but also for England too as their political parties are blatantly completely incapable of running their own country so why on earth should they be allowed anywhere near the levers of control of another country?

One other thing is for sure. If Scots think they should vote for an English political party like the Red Tories to improve their lives here in Scotland then they are terribly mistaken, as they are already starting to find out only weeks from the election.

What an absolute mess.
Iain K

KEIR Starmer might feel like praising the last Labour government for lifting “millions of children” out of poverty. But since then and under Tory rule, hundreds of thousands more children have been put back into poverty under theTory two-child benefit cap, now retained under Starmer’s Labour Party after a vote to retain the two-child benefit cap, thus increasing child poverty under the very same policy.

Keir Starmer has failed to even mitigate his argument for retaining the two-child benefit cap.
Alan Magnus-Bennett