‘CHANGE” was a word we all heard repeatedly over the course of the General Election. This word “change” came from the Labour Party, but truthfully nobody quite knew what “change” would bring the country.

We were told that this “change” would mean no tax rises, no National Insurance rises and no return to austerity, as per a BBC interview with the now Chancellor in May. This word “change” is all about choices, spending choices, and the King’s Speech gave little meaning to the word “change”.

There was no message of “change” for the richest 1% in society, who can continue accumulating wealth under Labour. Consider this – 1% have more wealth than the poorest 70%, who certainly heard no message of “change” or hope.

Why did it take the SNP to bring forward an amendment to the King’s Speech in an effort to get the new government to scrap the two-child cap on benefits? Brought in by the Conservatives, it affects more than 1.5 million children (500,000 households).

READ MORE: Green MSP against plans to build Andy Murray legacy tennis centre

If this new government is serious about “change”, no return to austerity, and addressing child poverty, we should have heard proposals for progressive taxation like we have in Scotland, asking the richest and highest-paid to pay a little more. We should also have heard legislation to introduce throughout the UK a child payment like we have in Scotland.

The new PM has promised a “taskforce” to review this morally repugnant two-child cap but in the meantime more households will be plunged into poverty.

Talking the talk with a promise of “change” is all very well, but for those in need today this new government must walk the walk.

Catriona C Clark


I AM still laughing at the FM saying he wants the SNP members to let him know their feelings about the election campaign. What difference this would make as we have not been listened to in the past!

I will not be engaging in this farce but instead I will use this more effective platform of The National to air my views, which I am certain will be no different to what many, many other members would like to happen.

So, FM, what I would like you to do ASAP is come right out, no strings attached, and say that in 2026 the SNP will be standing on a platform that goes exactly like this.

If the independence-supporting parties get a majority in the 2026 Holyrood election, we will exercise our Claim of Right and declare Scotland to be an independent country. As it is our legal right considering the people of Scotland are sovereign, what is the problem?

For once let’s do something for ourselves without asking Westminster anything. Although a large cat would certainly be set among the pigeons, it would be most interesting to see what the Union would do next.

That is my answer to your question, First Minister. Time for you to step up to the plate and do what you are supposed to be striving for. The time has come to stop pussyfooting around and get on with it.

Old John


SO, climate activists get sentences of four to five years because their protests led to a policing bill of

£1 million. Meanwhile, the coronation of a man who claims to care about the climate but rode around in a gold carriage with air conditioning cost the nation £250m in policing during a cost of living crisis.

I’m just saying...

Amanda Baker


CAMERON Downing was jailed for six years this week for sexual and physical assaults. He also made disgusting threats to beat up women, which occurred when he was equalities officer for the SNP London branch.

Yet due to unforgivable cowardice on behalf of the SNP leadership, he was allowed to remain in place almost until the point when the police intervened.

How could it be that a woman hater was appointed as an equalities officer in the first place?

No wonder the SNP have been losing members, especially among women, at a great rate. It makes me despair. It is surely time to rid the party of those who appear to be given a free pass to express the vilest opinions, which are anathema to normal people, and to get back to seriously promoting independence.

James Duncan


A FOLLOW-UP on my request for more news from the EU. While I appreciate Alyn Smith’s regular contributions in The National on the EU parliament, what I and I imagine others would like to read are shorter articles giving the comparison of current EU initiatives, something more snappy rather than a page of information and a small snippet of policy at the end, something that could be shared more easily.

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen

But thank you The National for the little bit of light shining from the grey of the columns in yesterday’s print edition with the article about Ursula von der Leyen’s re-election.

It was wonderful to read about the EU rather than the UK’s focus on navel-gazing and the US fixation that the media uses to replace mentioning the EU and Brexit, I felt rather nostalgic for times past. More of the same please.

Christine Smith


ANOTHER reason for Cologne to twin with a Scottish city (Cologne makes official move for Scottish twin after Euros, Jul 16) is that the fans of 1. FC Koln sing a football anthem to the tune of Loch Lomond. It’s rather inspiring when sung by 50,000 fans ...


Alan Lawson
