I COULDN’T disagree more with Alec Ross (A Tory-free Scotland is neither achievable nor desirable, Letters, Mar 21). A Scotland free of this present Tory party is not only desirable, it is essential, both for the health of society and the preservation of democracy. Just as necessary as getting rid of these Tories is ridding Scotland of their poisonous and hateful ideology, an ideology that has broken Britain, destroyed its major institutions and clings to power by a recipe of hate and the demonisation of foreigners. This present Tory party has nothing positive to offer anyone, never mind Scotland; its entire programme is dystopian negativity.

Alec tells us that there is a fairly strong right-of-centre political thought in Scotland, but I sincerely hope that he is not implying that the present Tory party – a party of unbridled cruelty, greed, and rapacity – falls into that category. There is nothing remotely centrist about today’s Tory party: a party that has abandoned decency, that governs only for a select few and is devoid of a moral or ethical compass; a party that has designated food banks as not only normal but desirable; a party that openly breaks both domestic and international law; and a party that has effectively abandoned the sick, poor and disabled.

READ MORE: UK Government 'putting more people into poverty', top Scottish writer says

Of course there will be a strong and active right-of-centre presence in an independent Scotland but it will hopefully be one purged of the cruelty and indifference of the modern Conservative Party.

In order to achieve that, it is both vital and necessary that the Tories and their loathsome ideology are badly beaten to the point of humiliation. They must experience total rejection to the point that threatens their very existence as a party. It is the only way conservative-minded people will pause to reflect and change; we must never underestimate the conservative proclivity for arrogance and entitlement and their incapacity for self-reflection, which will have to be forced on them by a recognition of the damage they have inflicted and loathing they have engendered, and that can only happen by their destruction at the polls.

Just as the disaster of Brexit was necessary and continues to be necessary to make Brexiteers realise their stupidity, so is the necessity of a disaster for the Tories and their threatened demise in Scotland for them to realise their profound callousness and indifference to decency and integrity.

READ MORE: It ‘doesn’t matter who’s at helm of Tory sinking ship’ at election

Alec tells us that there will be no Unionist parties in an independent Scotland. That is naivety in the extreme. If we gain independence on a Thursday, on Friday morning the Unionist elements in Scotland will be actively plotting a campaign for a return to Westminster as soon as possible, in league with a Unionist media who will propagandise against an independent Scotland with a ferocity that will take your breath away.

I am in my eighties and never in my lifetime have I seen a politician with such hatred for Scotland and its people as Penny Mordaunt, the favourite as the next Tory leader. I ask all who may agree with Alec to reflect on Scotland’s future if we take a conciliatory approach to today’s Tories and welcome them to participate in deciding Scotland’s future. If you do welcome them, you must hate your children and grandchildren.

Peter Kerr

HONESTY seems in decline, and worldwide dishonesty appears to be booming. “Trump’s Scots golf course could be seized within days”, reports The National. It suggests to me that to help with the forthcoming White House election, justice procedures in the United States can be circumvented at the swing of a club. Justice in the hands of cash, a hole in one for those with plenty of the “readies” to turn old-fashioned honesty into a gambling casino.

Iain R Thomson