IT was gratifying to note that common sense is not a stranger to at least one local authority in Scotland, Aberdeenshire Council, in its decision to block a proposed Orange March in Stonehaven on economic, safety and decorous grounds.

The council worker behind the application to host the march has reportedly posted a series of anti-Catholic and anti-Muslim remarks over recent years, embodying the essence of traditional Orange marches in Scotland in my experience.

Proponents of an independent Scotland like to declare that it will be a multi-cultural, inclusive and tolerant country when it eventually arrives. However, the sectarian bile that typifies the marching season demonstrates the deep-rooted level of bigotry still inherent in our country and the tangible difficulties that lie in the immediate and long-term future.

As ever, basic education regarding the anti-social and pernicious nature of racism and sectarianism must be vigorously addressed in our schools’ personal and social education programmes and in individual subjects.

In my experience, most pupils are ill informed or ignorant of key historical facts about events such as the Battle of the Boyne, upon which much of the skewed mythology of sectarian organisations such as the Orange Order rests. Factual clarification showing that the Pope supported King William as part of his power struggle against the French who lent their assistance to James VII would be a good place to start.

The Pope later celebrated a mass to demonstrate his (and presumably God’s) delight at hearing of “King Billy’s” victory at the Battle of the Boyne where more than half of William’s armies were made up of Spanish and Italian mercenaries.

How many young people, or indeed adults, are aware that at least one-third of Irish people who emigrated to Scotland due to the appalling famines of the 19th century were of the Protestant faith? Would that put the singing of the dirge-like Famine Song by some who attend Orange marches into some kind of perspective?

I understand that the formation of a Parades Commission to try to demonstrate transparent reasons for decisions on Orange and other parades is still in its nascent stages.

Yet this would be a very welcome development, though obviously not without its problems or controversies, particularly in its early stages. The decision by Aberdeenshire Council should highlight exactly why a modern Scotland must seek a way to dilute an organisation such as the Orange Order’s ability to stoke sectarian tension and racial hatred. Indeed, its sole purpose appears to involve spreading a message of anti- Catholicism using a pretext of lame pseudo-historical triumphalism.

If large numbers of people took to the streets to sing anti-Muslim or antisemitic songs they would, quite rightly, be lambasted, penalised by those in authority and perhaps even criticised by the majority of those in the media and by our political representatives.

Yet every year groups of Orange “flying pickets” travel around the country to revel in these antisocial celebrations of religious bigotry through our streets spreading revulsion, alarm and bewilderment in equal measure. They are a shocking anachronism practised by a group of antediluvian zealots who should be limited in number and movement while paying any bills for security themselves and not from the public purse. Their celebrations of hate and discrimination have no place in any modern democratic Scotland.

Owen Kelly


WHAT a great International Women’s Day paper from The National yesterday – so refreshing to have all these great women contributors. They are all the very epitome of smeddum.

With this depth of talent, independence is vital to allow them and Scotland to flourish. Well done to all involved!

Angus Ferguson


HOW can the Tory Party keep quiet about the big con trick of this week’s Budget? Its messaging on repeat is that “the average taxpayer will be £900 better off by the end of the year”, when, as the BBC’s Amol Rajan says, they are more likely to be £900 worse off because the tax bands have been frozen for some years to come.

When Gordon Brown pulled a rabbit out of the hat, it was usually a benefit. When Hunt tries it he pulls out a dead rabbit. Does this Tory Government think that the average person believes this nonsense? Since Ms Truss, in one day, raised inflation to levels higher than 10%, incomes may never catch up with or even get near the cost of living.

Mike Underwood


CAN someone please explain to me the logic or morality of America’s actions in making a Port in Gaza?

What is the point of putting aid in through the back door when you are putting arms through the front door – and the same goes for all the other countries supporting the war and suffering in Gaza. The US and the UK must stop supplying arms to Israel. The phrase “make it make sense” comes to mind.

Winifred McCartney
