I AM grateful to the Jouker for detailing headlines from the mainstream media arising from Nicola Surgeon’s testimony at the Covid inquiry.

The brutality, cruelty, misogyny and derision shown towards a woman who led us through the pandemic, taking questions from their outlets on a daily basis, was breathtaking. Where was the evidence of corruption, serial partying and incompetence? A very personal attack on an individual was all these “f***ing” clowns could offer.

READ MORE: UK Covid Inquiry will feed innocents to the lions

They have brought not just their rags but the integrity of journalism as a profession into disrepute.

There are also serious questions to answer as to how a so-called “independent” inquiry can give rise to such personally directed venom, a venom which Alister Jack was allowed to spout unchecked by the inquiry team with his misogynistic “tear” comment. Its integrity, and that of those involved in it, is now on the line.

Dr Morven J Easton
Newton Mearns