JOANNA Cherry in her column last week made a lot of good points but let herself down where she put into print serious misinformation about Scottish Greens energy policy (Nov 17). Both the SNP and Scottish Greens promote individual heat pumps and solar panels with battery storage as a good solution for many homes in the immediate future and for more remote homes even in the longer term. This is supported by Scottish Government grants and the Home Energy Scotland advice service.

READ MORE: Joanna Cherry: Here's an eco plan that beats what the Greens have to offer

Scottish Greens policy goes well beyond this and is very much in line with the policy of the Common Weal think tank in looking to the huge benefits of wider community-owned energy schemes. We should all be working together to ensure that the renewables revolution should be shared by everyone, not controlled by multinational corporations. This is hugely ambitious – a system change – which needs cross-party commitment. I hope that Joanna Cherry can better embrace the challenge for the future.

Russell McLarty