INTELLIGENCE is in short supply at the highest political level. “Climate change is a scam” trumpets a leading US Republican hoping his return to power will make America great again. Hardly an intellectual statement. Our U-turning PM merits his praise (Sunak faces criticism after U-turn praise by Trump, Sep 25).

Those of us who experience the weather wearing oilskins may have opinions based on common sense. Oceans are warming hence heavier global rainfall and floods. Ice melting at the poles will ultimately affect the balance of the earth’s axis. Less rampant consumerism, green energy, smaller cars, less holiday jaunts to the sun – if not, the current lifestyles of the Western world are in for a shock.

READ MORE: Rishi Sunak's net-zero U-turn is 'colossal abdication of leadership'

A wise old crofter used to say to me, “Look ahead, boy, and you won’t need to look behind”. A lack of foresight may well be the downfall of the human species. Come on folks, don’t be oblivious to the danger, pick your political leaders with care. An eye on the climate and an independent Scotland could lead by example.

Iain R Thomson