AT last a Tory politician has been taken to task on a BBC programme (Debate Night on Wednesday) over the subjective soundbites contained in a customary anti-SNP rant, not by the public’s well-remunerated and supposedly impartial representative, Stephen Jardine, but by an audience member.

Every billion-pound sum lost by Westminster effectively robs Holyrood and Scotland of nearly £100 million, but in response to the statement that Brian Whittle had supported the election of a Prime Minister who in four weeks had crashed the economy at a cost of £75 billion, Mr Whittle retorted “what’s happening down south is not my responsibility”.

READ MORE: Experts spell out caveat after shock poll puts Labour ahead of SNP

“It is your party’s responsibility – don’t divorce yourself from your party down there” was the legitimate response from the thankfully persistent audience member, who had noted that “there is never any context” to Tory claims of “SNP bad” which claims are regrettably rarely challenged in a similar manner on BBC programmes.

By contrast, all BBC journalists/reporters, including those working for BBC Scotland, seem quick to interject, effectively on behalf of the Tory party, whenever perceived subjective criticisms are made of the Tory party or the UK Government.

This is not professional, never-mind objective or impartial, public broadcasting.

Stan Grodynski
Longniddry, East Lothian

THE British ruling elites and state broadcaster are doing their best to manufacture enthusiasm for the grotesque spectacle of a £100 million coronation of an entitled man with a private fortune close to £2 billion, who is asking his “subjects”, many of whom live in poverty, to pledge allegiance to him, his heirs and successors.

While a majority of Scots are repelled by this medieval display, most are probably unaware that Charles III is not taking the Scottish coronation oath, referenced in the 1689 Claim of Right and required by Scots law for any legitimate monarch, but the English coronation oath.

READ MORE: Primark should stock 'vital' coronation gear, DUP councillor complains

This confirms two things. First, that there was no “union” but the annexation of a sovereign nation. Second, that the treaty, signed under threat of invasion by England and bribery, was a fig leaf to hide an act of colonisation.

Scotland was incorporated into the colonial domains of England, and has been governed ever since according to the English constitution and under English territorial, legal and political sovereignty. It’s why we remain poor to this day compared with our far more prosperous Nordic neighbours.

Samuel Adams’s description of the American colonies under British rule applies to Scotland today: “We are, in short, ultimately yielding large supplies to the revenues of the mother country, while we are labouring for a very moderate subsistence for ourselves.”

To end Scotland’s colonial subservience, the sovereignty of the Scottish people must be restored.

Leah Gunn Barrett

THE masterly Daily Mail doesn’t highlight the fact that two-thirds of Scots think that plonking a crown on Charlie’s head is a waste of money. Such an offensive fact is left to The National.

READ MORE: Concerns over facial recognition technology use during coronation

Deep down, your DNA counts. More than a thousand years ago Viking longboats sailed up the river Seine intent on sacking Paris. The French King panicked. “Send me your leader,” he shouted. Rollo, the Viking warrior, called back, “We have no leader, we are all equal”. A deal was struck, Paris survived and the Vikings were given Normandy. 1066 and all that, not before long Norse names and genes spread through Scotland, hence many of us today feel an affinity with the Norwegians rather than to the cap-in-hand Westminster clones and their royalist nonsense.

Independence! Leave blatant sycophancy south of the Border.

Iain R Thomson

KING Charles’ personal fortune has been estimated at £1.8bn. So why is the taxpayer having to pay for the coronation circus which has moved thousands of police officers from their normal tasks of protecting the public to protecting one man? Not an ordinary man, of course, but one so special that the people are being asked not only to pledge allegiance to him but to pray for the almighty’s help in protecting him. The cult of personality has indeed reached a new level.

READ MORE: ‘Free’ celebrations of the King’s coronation are nothing of the sort

Add in the gold, the diamonds, the archaic regalia and the medieval ritual and you can see why Emily Gray, managing director of Ipsos in Scotland, has said that “the public mood in Scotland is lukewarm towards the monarchy”.

For many, the coronation is a richt scunner.

William Loneskie
Lauder, Berwickshire

I NOTICED in my TV magazine that the English LOCAL elections are being screened on EBC Scotland from 11.40pm on May 4 until 6am on May 5. I have to wonder if the population of England will be treated to the same intense level of coverage of the Scottish local elections. Sorry ... but I’m having difficulty keeping a straight face while typing this.

Barry Stewart

READ MORE: Will the SNP MPs attending the coronation all be swearing the oath?

THERE are two party weekends ahead: the coronation of King Charles III and the Eurovision Song Contest.

In one of these events many nations are represented as people travel from all over the world to dress up in ridiculous camp outfits, speak and sing in strange foreign languages and deploy an eccentric collection of outlandish stage props.

Those for whom it is not their cup of tea would rather die than participate, but fortunately nobody takes it very seriously.

I know which party I’m looking forward to.

Neil Barber