I GIVE it 10 years before geological events of major concern reach every news headline. It may even replace the usual political gossip currently filling some papers and TV screens.

Many scientists say it’s now too late, world oceans are about to take control of the planet’s future. Seas off the coast of Florida are hitting record-breaking “hot tub” temperatures. That may suit sunbathers, Mr Trump and his billionaire backers, but a major shift in the circulation of present ocean currents is forecast to be unavoidable.

The forthcoming disruption of the Gulf Stream will have a dramatic impact on Europe’s west coast and not least on Scotland. I wait to read that even one politician seems to understand the fast-developing situation. It certainly isn’t Mr Ross and the Tories. Have we left it too late for an independent nation to bring “enlightened” Scottish brains into action and tell the public in simple terms what they will soon be facing?

Iain R Thomson
