FURTHER to your article on August 19 (Island’s rubbish response to new street lights plan), the green credentials of the instigator of the Port Charlotte lights protest are well known.

As you reported, a number of black rubbish bags, at least one containing dirty nappies, were dumped in front of residents’ houses without their permission. These residents had nothing to do with the installation of the lights.

The protesters were clearly unconcerned about the rights of the residents, the possibility of attracting vermin or indeed the mess which could be caused by seagulls. All that mattered to the blinkered “we know best” brigade was their desire to demonstrate their dislike of the new street lights. Their illegal fly-tipping protest was wilfully environmentally reckless. I hope the Procurator Fiscal gets to hear about it.

On a recent visit to rural New South Wales I saw a car sticker which said: “The last great wildernesses is the space between a greeny’s ears.” Some Port Charlotte residents might just agree with that.

Bill Drew