SPARE the dandelions, don’t mow the daisies, admire the bonnie speedwell – how long before the manicured front lawn becomes a mark of environmental ignorance?

Wild flower nectar is the food source for a host of insects which in turn feed the returning swallows and many local birds. I’m afraid the swallows are no longer skimming the rivers or the meadows in their numbers of even 20 years ago.

READ MORE: Scottish spot named one of Europe's 'most beautiful' to see spring flowers bloom

Wednesday’s National tells us it’s peak time to enjoy the Scots bluebell in woodlands throughout the country and rightly warns walkers to treat them with respect, no tramping. Outwith nature’s bounty, those who enjoy the privilege of a garden might find space for a little homegrown re-wilding.

It’s not too late, plant a packet of wildflower seeds in a corner and savour the pleasure which they can impart. Insects soon find them and the birds will give you a thumbs up.
Iain R Thomson