IT’S hard to believe that Paula Vennells is an Anglican priest. Isn’t there a commandment about lying? There’s certainly one about making wrongful use of the name of the Lord our God. Certainly it’s not what Christ would have done. Jesus would be deeply ashamed of this member of his clergy.

READ MORE: Post Office scandal exemplifies all that is wrong with the UK

Let’s set aside the issue of the CBE, which she has been forced by public opinion to return. This woman was in line to be a bishop. She was in line to officiate at the King’s coronation. I must emphasise here that I approve of neither a king nor a coronation. We in Scotland could well do without either. But why, oh why, does the Westminster government even consider her a worthy person? Why?

It could be something to do with the amount of money she was paid by the Post Office. Or it could be something to do with the pension she is being awarded, no matter what blasphemies she has proclaimed in her life.

Thank Christ we have a Church of Scotland.

Tony Kime