THE painful truth ae Scotland is it hus five million voices and yit it seems as if naeboady kin hear us. A land where speakin in oor native language is oaftin viewed as a social disability. A nation ae “scroungers” who’s only meaninful offerin tae the world came through the construction ae a hert-stoappin deep-fried Mars Bar.

At least, that’s how wur viewed by Westminster. Ah mean, these Tories and their like are quick tae hoap oantae a podium tae annoonce that wur ‘“better together” or “equal partners” when the moment comes fur thum tae pit a rifle in the hands ae Jocks in times ae war.

When the opportunity arises tae fight fur a square fit ae sand in some distant foreign land. Aw in the name ae King and capitalism.

But make nae mistake aboot it. A Scottish vote in the context ae the wider UK is aboot as valid as Rishi Sunak’s top 10 tips oan how tae survive the coast-ae-living crisis. You only need tae consider the Brexit vote in order tae witness first hand that the will ae the people ae oor country is eroded when it fails tae fall intae line wae the agenda ae the British government.

When July 4 arrives and voters are encouraged tae heid fur the ballot boax, a vote fur the SNP is a vote fur Scotland, and perhaps maire importantly it wid be a statement ae intent that we will regain oor rightful status as an independent nation yince again.

A reborn sovereign state free fae Westminster tyranny. Where bein Scottish and proud is a 365-day occurrence rather than jist permitted yin day ae the year oan Burns Night.

Ah mean, ah’m no gonnae sit here and pretend that ah’ve been happy wae every SNP policy in recent times. But yin important question which the Scottish electorate needs tae ask thumselves is “Do ah really want a Conservative government that’s driven by its desire tae create a society maire divided along class lines than ever before?”

Or a Labour Party that endorses mass genocide in Palestine and whose leader labelled Thatcher as a visionary? Wid ah no be better wae an SNP-led Scotland that hus a proven track record in deliverin positive social change?’’

READ MORE: The responsibility to revitalise the Scots language lies with all of us

Critics ae the Scottish Government and the independence movement oaftin cite that an independent Scotland is an unknown entity.

Yit a free-spirited Scotland stood tall and proud well before the United Kingdom wis even in the womb.

The known is a British state where poverty hus become a birthright fur many. And the explosion ae food banks remains yin ae the fastest growin industries. Then surely an independent nation should be identified as a breath ae fresh air.

There comes a time in every nation’s story where you either rise as yin and speak wae a single voice or you sit back doon and spend the nixt 300 years wonderin what could huv been if only ah dared tae dream beyond a British state that’s governed tae serve the interests ae the powerful and the rich.

The Act ae Union (1707) may huv marked the strange death ae oor yince free land. But the General Election ae 2024 could be a defining moment where Scotland rises up as yin and a chorus ae Scottish voices fillae hope and dreams announces tae the world that we kin stand alain.

The National: Tristran Clarke, a staff member at The National Archives of Scotland, in Edinburgh, looks over the Act of Union of the Scottish Parliament, which dates back to January 16, 1707..

The issue remains that some Scots who oppose independence possess the view that oor history as bein a hing ae an irrelevant past. This is why they never gee it a thoat ae makin it in their ain right as an independent nation and so they fail tae confront their ain alienation – a sentiment captured perfectly in sociological theorist Paulo Freire’s memorable quote: “The oppressed, having internalised the image of the oppressor and adopted his guidelines, are fearful of freedom.” 

You see, it’s in oor DNA tae come up shoart when oor big moment arrives. It’s the price you pey fur bein Scottish in a UK that huds us back fae reachin oor full potential.

Bein able tae make oor ain choices and decide the future ae oor land should be a basic right fur aw countries. But if history hus taught us anyhing it’s that rights are never given freely, they’re taken.

READ MORE: Furious Scottish crowd confronts Tory candidate over 'anti-English' comments

That’s why ah implore aw Scottish voters come July tae vote SNP. The time hus come fur us tae cut the apron strings ae Westminster and show the world that wur ready tae dream yince maire as a united nation.

Ah write fiction aboot working-class Scotland and ah dinnae shy awey fae highlighting the harsh social realities fur maist created by the British government.

So, if you really want a groond-level look at what a British-led government hus created fur the masses in Scotland AND why it’s essential that we regain oor independence, you should check oot ma latest novel titled Who’s Aldo? It’s available fae Waterstones, Amazon and many bookshops.