THIS week, myself and political reporter Abbi Garton-Crosbie have been chatting to Yes movement figures, groups and organisations following the SNP's General Election strategy launch.

We'll be publishing the full feature tomorrow - along with an exclusive interview with Stephen Noon - but I thought we could take a wee dive into a few thoughts on Yes strategy.

Believe in Scotland founder Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp shared some of his thoughts in a comment piece for us published today - which you can find here.

He wrote: "It seems to me that the SNP have clearly set out their stall at the next UK General Election to try and be nice to Labour voters. They are betting on a trifecta of Labour-voter-friendly policies to stop the Labour surge this side of the Border."

READ MORE: How the Scottish independence movement can learn from story

He also said that "there is still time for the SNP campaign to get more creative, to be more radical" and this was mirrored by something Lesley Riddoch shared with us - that activists want "bold policy" and "cultural moments that make their hearts sing".

Noon, the former Yes Scotland strategist, put it quite simply in our chat that the basic strategy has never changed - and the movement is nearly finished its detachment from SNP - contrary to Stephen's Flynn's comment that "the only sure fire way that Scottish independence remains relevant is to vote for the SNP".

Noon said: "If I know somebody who is having questions about independence or doubts or is still to be persuaded, I just make that my mission, you know, day by day, month, by month, year by year to persuade them to support independence.

"So that when the time comes and when there is a vote, you know, they're an independent supporter.

"None of this is different from anything we've done before."

This was after comments made on Sunday that Yes had to leave the idea of a referendum at the side - for the moment - as it was not "imminent".

We want to see an efficient Yes movement so it made me think that even though there is not "a campaign" - there is still in fact people who believe in an independent country and those people are separate from the political wrangling for a referendum.

One activist wrote to me today to provide a group update and said: "We’re doing well and contrary to some people’s views we are not resting on our laurels waiting for something to happen but rather pushing as hard as we can."

It was heart-warming to hear between all of the election strategy chat as that is where Yes is right now, similar to the winter season - not absolutely dormant and waiting, but slowly and surely working away and continuing to nurture and grow the movement.