SCOTTISH Labour have been blasted as seats at their swanky winter party cost MORE than a Winter Fuel Payment for a struggling pensioner.

Tickets for a table for 10 at the party’s winter gala cost £2500 for the “premium” package – while pensioners being stripped of their winter heating benefit could lose £200 to help pay their bills.

Cheaper tickets cost £1500. On an average monthly electricity bill of £50, according to Uswitch, that is enough to keep the lights on for 30 months.

It comes as Labour plot to strip as many as 10 million pensioners across the UK of their Winter Fuel Payment.

While it is currently a universal payment, Keir Starmer’s government want to change it to a means tested benefit, which only the poorest pensioners can claim.

The worst-off pensioners – including those eligible for Pension Credit – will still be able to claim the Winter Fuel Payment, but there are fears that many will be left with the choice between heating and eating as energy prices continue to rise.

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Chris McEleny, the general secretary of the Alba Party, said: “I feel sorry for the people paying for a premium table only to be stuck with the likes of Michael Marra or Ian Murray.

“You would’ve thought having to sit with them would be akin to getting a restricted view discount.

“It seems the days of New Labour governing for their big corporate pals are back.

“Whilst the champagne socialists celebrate at their winter party, fuel-poor Scottish pensioners will be shivering at home thanks to Labour stealing their winter fuel payments from them. Same old new Labour.”

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Scottish Greens MSP Maggie Chapman added: “Sir Keir Starmer's Labour Party seems determined to cement its position as the party of the super-wealthy.

"The kind of big business lobbyists who attend plush events like these aren't going for the catering.

"They are there to buy influence with a government that is shedding all of its progressive values and doubling down on the same failed economic policies as the Tories.

"The super rich should be paying their fair share, not being invited out to dinner.

"If you have £2500 to spend on a premium table at a Scottish Labour dinner then you probably have enough money to pay more taxes."

Scottish Labour did not respond to requests for comment.