This article is translated from a story which first appeared on via the following link on August 8. Thanks to El Nacional, our Catalan sister paper, for supplying this reporting.

THE Mossos d'Esquadra have arrested an agent from the same force this morning in connection with the escape of President Carles Puigdemont. 

He is the owner of the car, a white Honda , which the president used to disappear from the Arc de Triomf, where he had appeared before the investiture plenary session and where he was received by some 5,000 people.

The Catalan police confirm that the arrest has been made, but the car, the driver and the president have not yet been found.

The Mossos' Operation Jaula continues to be active in Barcelona and with checkpoints also on the main roads in Catalonia, with delays in La Jonquera, for example.

READ MORE: Former Catalan president disappears in Barcelona amid huge police hunt

This operation is reserved for serious crimes, such as shootings or murders, and with which road controls are carried out at various points to close the perimeter of the city and be able to intercept the person they are looking for.

At this time, the location and arrest of Puigdemont has not been possible and, as this newspaper has explained, the president has escaped from a maximum Mossos operation , with more than 300 police officers, and with controls also from the air.

Operation Jaula, which has involved the deployment of police controls by the Mossos , first at the entrances and exits of Barcelona, ​​and then throughout Catalonia, is still active.

Catalan police officers are trying to locate and arrest the president . In fact, with 300 police officers, the Mossos d'Esquadra had sealed off the entrances to the Parc de la Ciutadella and could only be entered through two doors, in addition to checking all cars entering on the way to the Parliament.

Carles Puigdemont addressed crowds before his disappearanceCarles Puigdemont addressed crowds before his disappearance (Image: AP Photo)

The Mossos' forecasts, as explained by this newspaper, were that when Puigdemont wanted to enter the Parliament, with the president of the Parliament, Josep Rull, and the other Junts deputies, he would be intercepted, identified and arrested.

But this has not been the case, everything was prepared, but something has failed.

However, hours later, and with the Jaula already activated, the Mossos d'Esquadra have arrested an agent of the same police force this morning in connection with Puigdemont 's escape .

The white Honda in which the president is said to have left the Arc de Triomf was the property of the arrested mosso, although the car has not yet been found, nor has the driver or the president.

The operation with checkpoints throughout Catalonia continues and right now nobody knows where Puigdemont is .

This article is translated from a story which first appeared on via the following link on August 8. Thanks to El Nacional, our Catalan sister paper, for supplying this reporting.