A SCOTTISH town's only cinema – which Judi Dench once helped to save – has gone up for sale.

The community-owned Phoenix Cinema in Oban closed at the end of May in the face of falling ticket sales and rising running costs.

Now, it's been put on sale for offers over £250,000, with cinema equipment separately being listed for £24,000.

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Film star Judi Dench supported a campaign in 2011 after its then-owner folded.

It first opened in the 1950s, but other venues existed in the town before its time.

The cinema theatres sit on the ground floor of the building, with a small first floor hosting offices and storage.

Screen one, the venue's largest, has seating for 148 people, while screen two seats 22.

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Scottish film and TV director Donald Coutts said it was "sad" that residents of Oban would lose out on having access to a cinema.

He told the BBC: "That experience of watching a film with people you know is wonderful.

"With the closing of the cinema in Oban it's sad if that experience is not reopened to people.

"I think it is a really difficult time for cinema.

"Video and on-demand platforms have made the role of cinema questionable because now films are being premiered and released in a much cheaper way."