ACTIVISTS are protesting outside the headquarters of a Scottish firm reportedly helping Vladimir Putin finance the war in Ukraine.

The protest by the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign Scotland is outside the Glasgow HQ of giant LNG shipping multinational Seapeak.

It comes after the firm was revealed in a Sky News investigation to be transporting copious amounts of Russian Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from Siberia to Belgium, France and Spain, in massive ice-breaking tankers.

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The business is not breaking any laws by enabling the gas exports which prop up the Kremlin regime and its military and, by extension, helping to fund the war in Ukraine.

The continued transport of LNG from Russia has also likely helped gas prices keep more stable amid the cost-of-living crisis.

But the firm’s actions do fly in the face of a Scottish Government appeal for all companies to break off trading relations with Russia.

According to corporate filings, the Scottish firm is part of a larger global business owned by a US investor.

A release from the protest group said: “Russia is massively expanding its production of gas, which causes global warming, threatening human life on our planet.

"It’s a further environmental crime by Russia, which is also committing deliberate acts of ecocide in Ukraine, including blowing up the Kakhovka dam and damaging nuclear power plants.

“If the new Labour government is serious about sanctions on Russia, the transport and insurance of Russian LNG must be included in those sanctions.

“Seapeak, stop shipping Russian gas! Stop funding Russia’s war! Real sanctions now!

"For a just peace in Ukraine – all Russian troops out of Ukraine now. For a just and urgent transition to renewable energy sources.”

Seapeak has been approached for comment.