We would like to address the reaction to Saturday’s front page.

Readers of The National who have been with us for a long time will know that humour has always been a big part of what we do. Yes, we report on a lot of serious issues, but we also have fun with less-serious stories.

For Saturday’s front page, we set out to make a light-hearted joke that wouldn’t be taken too seriously in the build-up to a football match. Our intention was to make it over-the-top and tongue-in-cheek.

However, we admit that the front page didn’t deliver what we set out to do. We leaned into lazy stereotypes, and we shouldn’t have. We have listened to feedback, reflected on our decision-making and have reached the conclusion that we got this one wrong. The front page crossed a line. We apologise.

It is a privilege to be Scotland’s only newspaper that supports independence. This also comes with a responsibility to reflect the best of our movement, and that is what we promise to do going forward.