LOCALS living on the North Coast 500 route have hit out at a group of “dangerous” sports car drivers.

It started with a Facebook post, with one angry local sounding the alarm.

The Facebook post read: "Bunch of Lotus drivers heading to Lochinver driving like idiots overtaking on blind corners and generally driving like lunatics. Lock up your kids and pets Lochinver these idiots appear to want to die!".

This led to other users slamming it as “dangerous” and expressing hope that it wouldn't lead to a crash and “injure some innocent people”.

READ MORE: Locals rage after tourists 'defecate near cemetery' on NC500 route

The NC500 is one of Scotland’s most popular road trips, attracting thousands of visitors and growing every year.

But this has often led to criticism from locals. And this isn’t the first time locals have highlighted that people have increasingly been driving dangerously in the countryside.

The route has faced issues with cars in the past. We reported last year how a group of petrol heads were snapped parking their supercars in dangerous spots along the route.

Posting pictures on Instagram, a member of a squad of around a dozen supercars drivers took an aerial shot of their vehicles on the Kylesku Bridge in Sutherland while the road was open.