IAN Murray has been heckled by pro-Palestine supporters as he was re-elected as MP for Edinburgh South.

The Scottish Labour candidate received 24,976 votes at the Edinburgh count, beating the SNP’s Simita Kumar (7725 votes) and the Scottish Greens’ Jo Phillips (4270 votes).

Activists could be heard shouting “free Palestine”, “you have blood on your hands” and “Edinburgh South doesn’t support genocide” as Murray delivered his acceptance speech.

“We will work hard, and with humility, deliver the trust you placed in us,” Murray said over the heckles.

“For much of my time as the MP for Edinburgh South, I’ve been Scotland’s sole MP for Labour. It’s been sometimes lonely, often hard, but always hopeful that one day Labour’s values will be recognised as Scotland’s values.

READ MORE: SNP's Joanna Cherry loses Edinburgh seat amid Labour landslide

“Being the sole Labour MP ends tonight with a bang.

“I can assure you that’s the change Scotland needs, and we certainly won’t let you down. The work starts tomorrow.”

Murray has been criticised throughout the General Election campaign by pro-Palestine supporters for his position on Gaza.

Scottish Labour now hold every seat in Edinburgh other than Edinburgh West, which has re-elected the LibDems’ Christine Jardine.