DON'T dismiss those who support Scottish independence if the SNP suffer heavy losses tonight as the exit poll predicts, Kate Forbes has warned.

The Deputy First Minister spoke out after pollsters predicted the SNP would fall to just 10 seats, with Labour moving back into first place in Scotland.

In the hours after the poll was published, media commentators suggested that such a result would show Scotland has lost interest in the idea of leaving the Union. 

The most recent polling on independence shows the country is split roughly half and half for and against independence.

READ MORE: General Election live updates: Exit poll predicts results

Forbes told the BBC: “I would strongly caution anybody against dismissing the robust, resilient and significant number of people in this country that support independence and the next Labour government will have to contend with that, we’ll have to listen to Scottish voters because even over the last few months – which have been difficult – that support for independence has remained strong.”

However, she added the party would need to “listen to the voices of voters”.

The SNP would also “set out our agenda to regain and rebuild the trust of the voters across Scotland”, she said.

READ MORE: John Curtice issues SNP and Reform exit poll 'health warning'

Meanwhile, former first minister Nicola Sturgeon said Thursday was “not a good night for the SNP”.

Speaking on ITV, the ex-SNP leader reacted minutes after the exit poll suggested her party could lose 38 seats.

“This is not a good night for the SNP on these numbers,” she said.

“I think there will be a question about whether there was enough in the campaign to give out, effectively, a USP to the SNP in an election that was about getting the Tories out and replacing them with Labour.”

(Image: PA)

She added: “This is at the grimmer end of the expectations for the SNP if the exit poll is right and, from what I’ve said earlier on, I expect it will be.

“This is seismic for Labour. There’s no getting away from that, it’s a massive achievement for Keir Starmer.

“I think it will be interesting as the night progresses to see the extent this is driven by the Tory collapse as opposed to a Labour surge.”