MARTIN Lewis has slapped down the Conservatives after they used a clip of him to campaign against Labour in the General Election.

Sharing a video of the money-saving expert on social media, Rishi Sunak’s party suggested it was proof Labour were planning to put up taxes after taking power at Westminster.

The clip showed Lewis saying: “I had a conversation with a senior member of the Labour Party, a private conversation, as I do with both parties.

“The exact phrase they used with me is, when I asked about a particular policy, they said, ‘We're not putting it in our manifesto because I can't commit we'll do it. But it is my aim we will do it over the next parliament.’”

Sharing the video, the Tories wrote: “They're not telling you the full truth.

“Labour have said they wouldn't put up your taxes. But it's now becoming clear that they have every intention to put them up.”

However, Lewis has called out the Conservatives for using him in their campaign, saying the conversation and policy he was referencing had nothing to do with taxes.

“NO WHERE in this comment do I talk about taxes,” the ITV host said.

“And the policy that I discussed (I will keep private as it was private) was NOT about taxes, or tax rises, it was about something that would be a positive change.”

James Withers, the former chief executive of Scotland Food and Drink, commented: “Truly extraordinary.

“Just when you think history’s worst ever election campaign has peaked, the Tories pick a tax fight with Martin Lewis, Britain’s most trusted financial adviser.”

Lewis’s intervention was also added as a “community note” on the Conservatives’ post on Twitter/X.

However, others said that it was concerning that Labour were hiding policies from voters at all.

“The neutral's clear take away is that there are things they want to do that are being kept well under the long Victorian skirt of Sue Gray, and she is not for even showing a hit of ankle,” one user wrote.