The SNP would demand increases in maternity pay and longer shared parental leave as part of “bold action to support families”, a cabinet minister has said.

Speaking ahead of a visit to a parent and baby group in Midlothian in Thursday, Mairi McAllan, Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, said that parental leave entitlement in the UK currently lags “far behind” that in other European countries.

She said her party had a “bold vision” for the country which “values parents’ time to bond with their baby”.

The party’s manifesto, which was published on Wednesday, sets out a commitment to increase paid maternity leave to one year, and to set maternity pay at 100% of average weekly earnings for the first 12 weeks.

READ MORE: Mairi McAllan to take maternity leave from Scottish Government

It also includes a commitment to extend shared parental leave from 52 to 64 weeks.

Ms McAllan said: “The SNP’s bold vision for Scotland values parents’ time to bond with their baby in the crucial early stages of development.

“For too long, families have been short-changed by Westminster with parental leave entitlement that trails far behind our European neighbours.

“At this election, neither Labour nor the Tories will take bold action to support families.

“The SNP are supporting families and the people of Scotland through every stage of life, with the Baby Box, the Scottish Child Payment, free tuition, free childcare, free prescriptions and free personal care.

“With the full powers of independence, Scotland can go further and the people that live here will make decisions about Scotland.

“Vote SNP on 4th July for a future made in Scotland, for Scotland.”