MSPs have passed an amendment to a bill which means that landowners can no longer hide their interests from the public.

The amendment to the Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill passed on Tuesday evening.

The change means that billionaires and landowners can no longer hide their interests when they receive public money, identifying exactly who benefits from Scottish Government farm payments.

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It was opposed by Scottish Land & Estates, which acts on behalf of landowners.

Subsidies have previously only been publicly listed by farm names, which made it more difficult to find out how much wealthy landowners were pocketing.

But in future, the individual’s name will also be published after parliament voted to accept an amendment to the bill by Scottish Labour MSP Richard Leonard.

A second amendment tabled by Scottish Greens MSP Arianne Burgess, which aimed to improve living conditions for seasonal workers on farms across Scotland was voted down by the Tories and the SNP.

The proposed changes aimed to introduce a more rigorous inspection regime as workers regularly report being housed in damp, mouldy, dirty, cramped and unsafe portacabins and caravans.

Commenting, Leonard (above) said: “For too long billionaires and big landowners have been rigging the system to pocket a disproportionate amount of public money while trying to shield it from public view.

“This simple change will mean that they can no longer hide in the shadows.

“The fight goes on for justice and better living conditions for the seasonal workers who are so vital to our countryside and our economy.”