THE United Nations has added Israel’s military, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s armed wing for the first time to a list of offenders for violating children’s rights.

The three entities, alongside Sudan’s warning parties, have all been singled out for the killing and maiming of children.

A report titled Children in Armed Conflict said that “children were killed and maimed in unprecedented numbers”.

The annual report, which has been seen by the BBC prior to its release on Thursday, is meant to shame parties to commit to measures outlined by the UN to protect children.

UN secretary general António Guterres said conflict between Israel and Palestinian groups has led to grave violations, particularly in Gaza.

“Children bore the brunt of multiplying and escalating crises that were marked by a complete disregard for child rights, notably the inherent right to life,” the report added.

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It also said the bombardment of Gaza has led to a 155% increase in what it categorised as “grave violations” against children.

The UN said it had verified more than 8000 grave violations against 4247 Palestinian children and 113 Israeli children in 2023, the report said.

However, verification remains ongoing with thousands of report about children dead and injured which still need to be checked.

The report states: “Most incidents were caused by the use of explosive weapons in populated areas by Israeli armed and security forces.”

Israel has reacted with fury at the decision to be put on the list with its UN envoy Gilad Erdan saying he was “shocked and disgusted by this shameful decision”.

Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad were also put on the list for killing, injuring and abducting children.

The two groups are yet to comment on the report.

The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza now estimates that more than 36,000 people have been killed by Israeli bombardment and ground attacks.