PEOPLE have been left fuming with the BBC’s Question Time panel for Thursday night with Stephen Flynn among those to take aim at the broadcaster.

The show is heading to Epsom for its latest episode with schools minister Damian Hinds, shadow health secretary Wes Streeting, and Reform UK’s honorary president Nigel Farage among those on the panel.

Piers Morgan and the Bishop of Dover, Rose Hudson-Wilkin, will also be taking part.

Many however have taken to Twitter/X to criticise the panel, with the deputy leader of the Green Party in England and Wales Zack Polanski saying: “I think they’ve done it. They’ve managed to find one of the worst panels imaginable (with apologies obviously to Rose).”

Elsewhere, the SNP’s Stephen Flynn simply retweeted the Question Time post announcing the panel with the caption: “Of course he is” in what appeared to be a reference to Farage’s appearance.

It is understood that Farage will be making his 37th appearance on the programme.

The National:

One user replied to Flynn’s post saying it was “absolutely disgraceful” that Farage was on the show yet again.

Elsewhere, Greens campaigner Ellie Gomersall said: “God every time I think Question Time can’t get any worse.

“This has to be one of the must cursed ones yet. Once again no platform for smaller left wing parties while four conservatives (including the racist Reform) are front and centre. Horrible bias.”

READ MORE: Scottish Greens and Alba left fuming with STV debate snub

Former Labour spin doctor Alastair Campbell also hit out at the BBC as Farage posted on social media that he was looking forward to appearing on the show but that he wouldn’t be “signing up to their [the BBC’s] woke diversity and inclusion monitoring”.

Campbell replied to the post and said: “The BBC as ever dancing to the Farage tune while he takes the piss out of them.”

He added that broadcasters should only allow candidates in the upcoming election to appear on the show.