JOHN Swinney has defended his decision to challenge the sanction ordered against his colleague Michael Matheson, saying the process on a Holyrood committee was “damaged” by “prejudice” from one of its members.

Holyrood’s Standards Committee backed a 27-day suspension for Matheson following the row over a near-£11,000 data roaming bill on his parliamentary iPad.

But the First Minister said he did not support the cross-party committee’s sanction as one of its members, Conservative Annie Wells, had previously made critical comments about Matheson’s explanation for the bill, which Swinney believes therefore prejudiced the decision.

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The Conservatives have said voters will punish Swinney for his “shameful defence” of his former ministerial colleague.

On Saturday, the SNP leader visited a number of constituencies around Scotland during the party’s first “day of action” for the General Election campaign.

Speaking to journalists, he said: “I’m not going to have prejudice taken forward in any part of Scottish life, it shouldn’t happen in the Scottish Parliament.”

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He noted that another Conservative MSP had withdrawn from the Standards Committee due to previous comments about Matheson, adding: “We cannot have our national parliament presiding over prejudice and certainly not prejudice from the Conservatives.”

Asked if Wells’ comment had undermined the entire committee’s decision, he said: “I think when you bring prejudice into a process, you have to recognise the process is damaged as a consequence.

“Now parliament will sort out these issues, it will address these issues as it considers the (committee’s) report.”

He acknowledged that Matheson had “made mistakes” and had faced consequences.