A call has been made for a "proper" victory parade and fan zone following this weekend's large-scale Celtic disorder.

Around 25,000 Hoops fans took to Trongate on Saturday afternoon after the club won the Scottish Premiership.

Glasgow City Council said the "damage, disruption and antisocial behaviour" was "unacceptable" as supporters were photographed climbing onto buildings, lampposts, bus stops and piles of rubbish were left in the wake of the celebration.

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Now, Paul Sweeney, Glasgow Labour MSP, is calling for an organised event to avoid chaos.

He said: "The answer is for Glasgow City Council to recognise that this is a huge part of the city's culture and to actually create a proper fan zone and victory parade route for the buses to come around.

"This should be organised with the fans, groups and with the football club management to try and anticipate this."

The politician explained that football is important for the city.

He added: "A Glasgow football team, either Celtic or Rangers, has won the Premiership every year for the last 40 years, so it's going to be in Glasgow anyway, we might as well plan for it and make it more of an occasion.

"The Old Firm collectively contributes well over a fourth of £1billion a year to the city’s economy. We should recognise the value of that and try to accommodate it more instead of looking down on football fans and not providing the relevant facilities.

"We provided huge amounts of public investment for the Cycling Championships and we did so for the Euros in 2021, so I don't see why we don't do the same for our biggest brands.

"We should be looking to maximise its benefits while minimising its disruption."

The Labour representative said Glasgow Green or the SEC would be an ideal place for a controlled fan zone.

He said: "Currently, we don’t have proper toilet provision, there are people urinating on the street, there are huge amounts of litter, we don’t have proper bin provision, licenced premises for people to drink.

"There are all sorts of things that we can improve on instead of pretending it’s not happening and trying and lecture and fans, groups not to gather because it's going to happen regardless.

"There’s no point in being sanctimonious about it."

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The National:

During the gathering, 19 arrests were made for pyrotechnics use and alcohol-related offences and four cops were injured as several roads were locked down and locals urged to avoid the area.

Several Glasgow Cross traffic lights were damaged during the celebration, which have now been repaired by the council.

A spokesperson confirmed the council is still assessing the extent of the damage caused by the crowd.

The Green Brigade also announced plans for a fan procession to Hampden ahead of the Scottish Cup final against Rangers on Saturday, May 25.