A COUNCILLOR has resigned from the Labour Party, questioning the party’s “moral direction” under Keir Starmer.

Musarrat Khan, who represents Dalton on Kirklees Council in Yorkshire, cited the “alarming” decision to allow hard-right MP Natalie Elphicke to join Labour as she announced her resignation from the party.

Khan further raised Starmer’s positioning on the crisis in Gaza, saying it contradicted “the moral and ethical standards expected of a potential prime minister”.

In a letter to the Labour leader, posted on social media, Khan said: “I am troubled by the lack of apology for your stance on the situation in Gaza, which contradicts the moral and ethical standards expected of a potential prime minister.

READ MORE: Labour councillors resign over party's 'right-wing rhetoric' and Gaza stance

“Additionally, your silence on pressing issues such as the NHS and public services is concerning.

“Your recent decision to welcome hard-right Tory MP Natalie Elphicke into the party is particularly alarming, given her history and views. This raises questions about the party's moral direction.

“Regrettably, I cannot support a Labour campaign in the upcoming General Election under these circumstances.”

Khan said she would continue to represent Dalton as an independent and urged her colleagues in the Labour group “to prioritise principles over party loyalty, especially as our party's values have diminished”.

The National: Keir Starmer pictured on a campaign visit in North Yorkshire

Last month, twenty councillors in Lancashire resigned their Labour memberships in protest over the party’s leadership.

Starmer (above) has faced backlash from party members for aiming to exercise control over selection processes.

The Labour leader also courted anger after he told LBC that Israel had “the right” to withhold power and water from Gaza, measures widely considered against international law.

Earlier in May, the party conceded that it had lost support in Muslim communities during the English local elections over Starmer’s stance on Gaza.

Polling expert John Curtice said of the results: “On average, the party’s support is down by eight points since last year in wards where more than 10% of people identify as Muslim.”