THE Radical Independence Campaign has announced a new conference focused on breaking the “impasse” of the constitutional question.

The event will be held in Glasgow this October and feature speakers and talks, organisers said.

The one-day conference will be the RIC’s first since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Speakers are expected to include representatives from the Scottish Greens and the Scottish Socialist Youth.

Workshops will be focused on “climate justice, trade unions and independence” as well as guiding activists on how to organise local campaigns.

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Organisers said: “We wish to create a friendly forum to contribute to a discussion on where Scottish politics and the independence movement finds itself now, and to explore the options and strategic implications of the proposals coming from different parts of the movement.

“We want to have a good conference with lively discussions that produce clear decisions and commitments — in other words, a well thought out strategy and plan of action to take forward RIC and the movement for Scottish self-determination.”

Speakers are to be announced at a later date.

You can find out more and book tickets here: