THE collapse-risk concrete at the centre of a crisis in school buildings has been found in the UK Parliament.

The presence of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (Raac) poses no “immediate risk”, a UK parliamentary spokesman said.

It comes as ministers remain under pressure over the issue, with concerns about the state of school buildings sparking anxiety about the presence of Raac in other publicly-owned buildings and infrastructure.

“As part of routine ongoing investigations, Raac was identified in one area of the Palace of Westminster.

READ MORE: What is RAAC? The unsafe concrete found in school

“Structural engineers have confirmed there is no immediate risk. Where RAAC is found, mitigations will be put in place as necessary,” the spokesman said.

Concerns about the safety of the parliamentary estate are long-standing, amid repeated delays to plans to restore and refurbishment the famous site.

There have been repeated warnings in recent years about the threat of fire and asbestos across the estate.

The restoration project is estimated to cost several billion pounds.

READ MORE: List of Scottish schools containing Raac confirmed

Schools across the UK are being investigated and almost 40 schools in Scotland found to contain a potentially dangerous concrete have been named by councils.

University of Sheffield researchers said a new passport system could help prevent future crises.

The documentation framework, currently being developed by engineers at the university, could better record information on how buildings are designed, constructed, maintained and modified.

The researchers said it will provide key information on what materials were used, when they were last checked and when their life cycle is due to end.

They added that it also aims to help reduce waste, the demand for new raw materials and carbon emissions from the built environment by enabling more reuse and refurbishment of buildings over demolition.

Digital passports, which provide information on the supply chain, composition or carbon emissions of a product, are being developed, trialled or rolled out worldwide across a range of sectors including textiles, automotive, plastic, chemicals and electronics.