THE SNP’s Westminster leader has said he is “confident” the independence movement will come together once “we’re able to have a referendum”.  

In an interview with The Herald, Stephen Flynn was asked how to re-build trust with independence activists who may have become disillusioned.

Flynn singled out the First Minister for praise, saying that Humza Yousaf has “done well” since succeeding Nicola Sturgeon (pictured below).

“He’s trying to be as calm and open as possible with people across the country. He’s not been afraid to say that he didn’t know about the issues around party funds rather than pretend that everything is fine”, Flynn said.

The National: Nicola Sturgeon

“I have the utmost respect for the way he’s handled a very difficult period. He’s a dad and a husband, and to come out the other side with a smile on his face and with some vigour says a lot about him as a person and a leader.

“I’m still confident that when we’re able to have a referendum all the grief can be put to one side and we’ll come together again. We all still believe in the same end goal.”

However, when asked if the SNP should be working closer with Alex Salmond’s Alba Party, Flynn said he didn’t believe there is a single seat they could win.

Alba have previously said they believe that all parties that support Scottish independence should stand under a single banner at the next General Election.

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It’s a move that has caused debate with SNP MP Pete Wishart branding the plan “ridiculous”.

Various ideas on the best route forward to securing an independence referendum were discussed at a convention in June.

Suspended MP Angus MacNeil (pictured below) was also critical of the SNP, saying that they need to prioritise “independence over the party”.

The National: Angus

On Alba, Flynn said: “I’m a member of the Scottish National Party. So no-one should be surprised when I say that if you want independence you should vote for us.

“Alba is polling between one and two percent. No one can show me a seat they can possibly win. The SNP is the only party that can deliver independence.”

Flynn was also asked about comments made by Mike Russell following Sturgeon’s resignation in which he said the party was facing its biggest crisis in 50 years.

Asked if he agreed with this, the Aberdeen South MP said: “Look, I’m a Dundee United fan, I spent 18 years as a disabled person. I like a challenge.

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"So, I’m less focused on what’s happened and people’s opinions about it than on how we can use those challenges to get to a better position.

“And I think if your mindset is not on that at the moment – and this isn’t a criticism of anyone – and not on what’s happening to the public then you’re in the wrong place.

“The public will expect nothing less than us to be focused entirely on their issues.”