ONE of the world’s biggest rock bands has come to the defence of a piper after they were told “bagpipes don’t belong” in their music.

Metallica, known around the world for hits such as Enter Sandman and Master of Puppets, spoke out on the side of Ally Crowley-Duncan, who is known online as Piper Ally.

The New Yorker has racked up almost 330,000 followers on Instagram with her bagpiping talents.

Crowley-Duncan uploaded a video to the social media platform on Tuesday, showcasing “Five Metallica songs you didn’t know you could bagpipe.”

“Metallica and bagpipes is *chefs kiss*,” she wrote, as she piped along with hits Master of Puppets, Fade to Black, One, Enter Sandman, and Whiskey in the Jar.

But one Instagram user did not like what they were hearing.

“Bagpipes don’t belong in Metallica!!,” they wrote. “James [Hetfield, the band’s vocalist and co-founder] would not approve.”

But Metallica saw the comment and intervened, after less than five minutes.

“@Ally the Piper. This guy doesn’t speak on our behalf,” the band wrote. “You’re awesome.”

Crowley-Duncan shared the comment in a separate post, writing: “When Metallica defends you in the comments of your own video.”

“This is LEGENDARY,” one user commented.

“Could not have bigger compliment,” another added.

The intervention from Metallica led the original critic to delete their comment – and then their account.

“Imagine getting owned so hard you up and quit Instagram. Metallica has spoken!” one user quipped.

“This one goes out to that comment trying to talk for @metallica. Keep it up bad ass,” another added.