CULTURE Radar has published a practical guide to putting Fair Work into practice for employers in the creative and cultural sectors in Scotland, with case study examples and illustrations to make the information easily digestible.  

The guide is commissioned by Creative Scotland, a public body in support of the arts, and built around the Scottish Government’s Fair Work policy with the purpose of helping employers grow workplaces with fair working practices for everyone including freelancers. 

The Scottish Government’s Fair Work Action Plan (2021) strives for progressive workplace policies which promote democracy and innovation, deliver opportunities and adopt the Real Living Wage, with the goal of Scotland becoming a leading Fair Work Nation by 2025. 

The guide outlines five key dimensions of Fair Work: effective voice, opportunity, fulfilment, respect and security. 

These dimensions were set out by the Scottish Government in 2015, each as important as the rest in order to make positive changes in workplace culture, for the benefit of both employers and employees. 

For example, opportunity is a crucial dimension of fair work as socio-economic diversity is very poor in the creative sectors; the Fair Work framework encourages employers to address the challenges experienced by specific groups and individuals in gaining access to and progressing in work in order to create a more equitable, inclusive and cohesive society. 

The guide is written by Jeanie Scott of Culture Radar, a research and consultancy practice, alongside Morgan Cunningham and Chris Sharratt.  

Scott said: “The creative and cultural sector is a complex and varied beast, with no two workplaces the same and a heavy reliance on freelance workers at all levels.  

“For this reason, this short guide could never be a step-by-step tool, or a rule book for applying Fair Work across the board.  

“Instead, we’ve laid out this guide with key information about Fair Work, alongside inspiring, real-life examples of what Fair Work looks like in practice in our sector now.” 

Illustrated by Maria Stoian and edited by Heather Parry, the guide covers the basics of Fair Work, introducing each of the Scottish Government’s Fair Work Dimensions with examples, FAQs, resources and support.  

Creative Scotland chief Iain Munro said: “Creative Scotland is committed, through any activities we support, to ensure that fair pay, conditions, and employment opportunities are in place for artists and professionals working in the creative sector.   

“We encourage as many people as possible working across the creative sector to read this helpful guide.  

“Its guidance will help to create the conditions for more meaningful and sustainable opportunities to work across, and progress through, the sector.”