TRADE unionists have called for a three-option Scottish independence referendum – and slammed Labour for snubbing them when drawing up their “Broonhog Day” constitutional plans.

The Scottish Trades Union Congress’s (STUC) annual conference planned for later this month will discuss a motion calling for a future referendum to contain three options: Yes, No, and enhanced devolution.

The motion, put forward by the Clydebank Trade Union Council(TUC), backed some of the recommendations from Gordon Brown’s A New Britain report on constitutional reform.

But it slammed Labour’s “failure” to speak with trade unions when drawing up the plans – claiming the document failed to grapple with the underlying economic causes of “lack of investment, de-industrialisation and uneven development”.

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The proposal will be debated at the STUC conference in Dundee’s Caird Hall between April 17 to 19, which will be addressed by First Minister Humza Yousaf, Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar and Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner, among others.

The motion in full

The motion read: “That this congress welcomes statements by our general secretary that consideration should be given to a third option in any referendum on Scotland’s constitutional future.

“In connection with such a third option, congress notes the report of the Labour Party Commission on the Future of the United Kingdom and welcomes its call for the replacement of the House of Lords by an elected Assembly of the Nations and Regions, for its proposal that constitutional status be given to the Sewel Convention […] and additionally that the Scottish Parliament be accorded greater borrowing powers.

“Congress also notes the explicit constitutional requirement to rebalance the UK’s economy so that prosperity and investment can be spread more equally between different parts of the United Kingdom.

“However, congress views with great concern the document’s failure to make any explicit reference to the role of the public sector in securing this equality and its apparent assumption that this will be achieved in liaison with the private sector – despite all the evidence demonstrating that it has been the financialised ownership across the private sector that has been responsible for the lack of investment, de-industrialisation and uneven development.

“Correspondingly, congress deplores that failure of the Labour Party Commission to undertake consultation with the trade union movement or the STUC.

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“Congress therefore calls on the STUC general council to make representations to the Labour Party to ensure that its policies on the role of the public sector and of renationalisation of basic services and utilities be incorporated and made explicit in any policy statements along with the active role of trade unions in all aspects of the management of economic assets.”

Labour did not respond to a request for comment when approached about the Clydebank TUC’s criticisms.

The SNP said the party would “always consider any proposals for more powers carefully”.

A party spokesperson said: “The STUC recently committed that the Scottish Parliament should be able to legislate for another referendum without the support of Westminster. It’s a shame Labour don’t sign up to that principle too.

"We will always consider any proposals for more powers carefully – but Labour's plan does nothing to protect Holryood from the damage of Brexit or the shameless attacks on devolution by Westminster.

"The clear choice for the people of Scotland is between Westminster control and the full powers of independence. Nothing short of independence can protect Scotland's parliament from further attack from this disastrous Tory government at Westminster."

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A spokesperson for the Alba Party said: “It is welcome that members attending the STUC conference may have the opportunity to highlight the undemocratic position of the UK Government in their repeated denial of the mandate the people have given the Scottish Government to hold a referendum on Scottish independence.

“Westminster can’t be trusted to give more powers to the Scottish Parliament and powers devolved will always be powers retained. If the Tories or the Labour Party wanted the Scottish Parliament to have more powers then they could do this tomorrow.

“The Clydebank TUC are absolutely right to condemn the Labour Party’s failure to consult with the trade union movement but this should of no surprise to working people in Scotland as all too often Labour Party doublespeak says they support workers’ rights but then fail to defend workers when they exercise their rights.

“Alba support an independence convention to drive forward the campaign for independence and members of the STUC should join representatives of pro-independence parties and civic Scotland at the heart of that convention.”