THE First Minister, the leader of Scottish Labour, and the deputy leader of the Labour Party are set to address Scotland's top trade union conference.

Humza Yousaf, Anas Sarwar, and Angela Rayner are all due to speak at the Scottish Trades Union Congress’s (STUC) annual congress in Dundee later this month.

The STUC said the event comes at a “pivotal moment” for the trade union movement, against the backdrop of “stunning successes” for striking workers and those who have threatened industrial action.

Yousaf will speak on the conference’s opening day – Monday, April 17 – and Rayner will take the stage at Caird Hall the following day. Sarwar is due to speak on Wednesday, the closing day of the conference.

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They are expected to address an audience of350 delegates and visitors, representing 37 trade unions and 20 trade union councils, according to the STUC. 

The STUC said its event was the “direct platform for workers to campaign and collectivise against poverty, discrimination and inequality in and outwith the workplace”.

A preliminary agenda for the meeting shows 112 items to be debated by STUC members.

Topics include a proposal for a “third option” on a future Scottish independence referendum and a call for employment law to be devolved to Scotland.

Other issues due to be debated include measures to protect public services, nationalisation of sectors – including a debate on the proposed National Care Service – tackling the cost of living crisis, and introducing buffer zones to ban protests and vigils at places offering abortions.

The congress will take place between Monday, April 17 and Wednesday, April 19 at Caird Hall in Dundee city centre.