DEMAND for green jobs is increasing in Scotland, according to a new report from the universities of Warwick and Strathclyde, with Scotland hailed as one of the first nations in the world to offer a detailed definition of such roles.

Green Jobs in Scotland: An inclusive approach to definition, measurement and analysis found that up to 100,000 roles are "new and emerging" green jobs as Scotland transitions to net zero.

The report launched during both Scottish Careers Week and Youth Generations Day at COP27, also finding that green jobs offer higher-than-average salaries and that young people aged 25 to 29 hold most of these jobs.

Minister for Just Transition, Employment and Fair Work, Richard Lochhead said: “Scotland’s green jobs revolution is under way, and I warmly welcome this new report.

“Although the researchers regard this as an upper estimate, it is encouraging to see a strong greening of jobs in Scotland.

“It is particularly appropriate today, on Youth and Future Generations Day at COP27, to reaffirm the importance that, as we transition our society and economy towards a low-carbon, net zero future, no individual, community, or region is left behind.”

The report was commissioned by the Implementation Steering Group behind Scotland’s Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan, with the support of Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and the Scottish Government.

It is also suggested that the demand for green jobs is spread out across Scotland but with slightly higher numbers in the east and south-west of the country.

As well as that, more than a quarter of all green jobs in Scotland already exist but need extra skills or additional learning

Due to this, the report recommends segregating green jobs into three categories – new and emerging jobs; existing jobs requiring enhanced skills; and existing jobs which are now more in demand.

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According to University of Edinburgh professor and chair of the Implementation Steering Group Dave Reay, Scotland is one of the first countries in the world to define green jobs in this way.

He said: “This definition is vital for Scotland and means all of us with a stake in the skills system can use the data to better meet demands and address inequalities. 

“We are one of the first countries in the world to offer a detailed definition, tailored to our jobs and skills market, and as the data updates in real time, we can dynamically refine and develop responses to ensure we have the skills we need, when we need them, right into the future.”

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Despite the report highlighting the positives of Scotland’s journey to net zero, it also shows that more needs to be done to address a major gender imbalance in green jobs.

Women are under-represented in this field, with 72.2% men and only 27.8% women holding roles.

Natalie Buxton, chair of the Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board’s Gender Commission said: “We know that women are vastly under-represented in sectors such as engineering and construction which offer ‘high value' occupations and better pay, therefore it is no surprise that almost three-quarters of green jobs are currently done by men. 

“There is much that employers, government and key influencers can do to address a lack of workforce gender diversity and the Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board’s Gender Commission offers clear recommendations on actions which can be taken now, and in the longer term to help address this longstanding societal issue.”