A PETITION has been launched urging a Scottish football club to cancel the contract of a new signing who has been convicted of domestic abuse.

In May, Paul Tansey pled guilty to assaulting Lisa Robertson, the Scotland international who also plays for Celtic in the Scottish Women’s Premier League.

He was dropped by his club, Penicuik Athletic, “with immediate effect” after news broke of his subjecting Robertson to a 10-month long campaign of domestic abuse.

However, he was signed by East of Scotland Football League club Whitehill Welfare FC, based in Rosewell, prompting outrage from local politicians.

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon speaks out as David Goodwillie returns to Clyde

Kelly Parry, the SNP leader of Midlothian Council, said signing Tansey – the brother of former Celtic striker Leigh Griffiths – was a “shameful decision”.

She went on: “It sends a clear message of disregard to domestic abuse survivors across Midlothian and beyond. As a council we condemn this decision and we urge Whitehill Welfare to rethink.”

Colin Beattie, the area’s MSP, also condemned the signing. He said: “Footballers are frequently held up as role models for young people and placing a domestic abuser in a prominent position of trust is simply inappropriate and plain wrong thinking.

“This is not where society wishes to go and the club should look seriously at the message they are sending by this appointment. I ask them to reconsider their decision.”

A petition has been launched on change.org urging the club to cancel Tansey’s contract.

It says: “Through this petition, we demand that Whitehill Welfare FC terminate the contract of Paul Tansey with immediate effect.

“The people of Rosewell and the wider Midlothian area do not condone domestic abuse of any form and it is not welcome here amongst this family-oriented community.

“Local football is a wonderful tradition, but a team cannot possibly support a person who has very deliberately physically and emotionally harmed others with lasting consequences. This community certainly will not.”

The news follows the high-profile case of David Goodwillie whose signing by Raith Rovers sparked national uproar.

Nicola Sturgeon was among the prominent figures to condemn the signing of Goodwillie, who had been found guilty of rape by a civil court.

Whitehall Welfare FC has been approached for comment.