SNP politicians have raised concerns over Scottish questions at Westminster being dominated by Conservative MPs from south of the Border. 

Eleven out of the 21 MPs participating in the question and answer session at the House of Commons were Tories - with just two representing constituencies north of the Border.

Six SNP MPs also contributed to the session, along with three from Labour and one from the Liberal Democrats.

The issue was highlighted by Olaf Stando, the SNP’s candidate for Burntisland, Kinghorn & Western Kirkcaldy, who tweeted: “The SNP has 76% of Scottish seats at Westminster - but only got to ask 28.5% of the Scotland-specific questions.”

SNP MP Carol Monaghan also pointed to the dominance of Conservative MPs in the daily order paper for questions to the Secretary of State for Scotland.

It listed 11 questions, nine of which were put forward by Conservative MPs from south of the Border, with one SNP and one Labour MP included.

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Monaghan tweeted: “It’s Scottish Questions this morning in Westminster. Can you spot the problem?”

During the session SNP MP Patrick Grady quizzed Alister Jack on the issue of legislation that has not received consent from the Scottish Parliament - including the Elections Bill, the Internal Market Act and the Brexit withdrawal agreement.

“All were rejected by Scotland’s Parliament but are taking effect anyway because this Tory Government never really believed in devolution in the first place,” he said.

“So is this actually the end of the Sewel convention, and is ignoring the Scottish Parliament the new normal?”

Jack responded: “Quite simply, we are not going to take any lessons on defending devolution from a party that wants to destroy it.”