Michael Fry


Michael Fry likes most to write about the Scottish economy, which he has been covering in one way and another for more than 40 years. He also often dips into the dark waters of Scottish history, on which he is the author of a dozen books. He approaches these themes from a point of view more right-wing than most of The National's journalists. He is a former member of the Tory party, and stood as a candidate for both the Scottish and the UK Parliaments. But since he saw the light in 2005, he has always voted for a free Scotland.

Michael Fry likes most to write about the Scottish economy, which he has been covering in one way and another for more than 40 years. He also often dips into the dark waters of Scottish history, on which he is the author of a dozen books. He approaches these themes from a point of view more right-wing than most of The National's journalists. He is a former member of the Tory party, and stood as a candidate for both the Scottish and the UK Parliaments. But since he saw the light in 2005, he has always voted for a free Scotland.

Latest articles from Michael Fry

HISTORY Remembering the last Scot to be a successful prime minister

FEW Scots have become prime minister, and even fewer – a pitiful few, it can be said – have made a success of becoming prime minister. The last in the line of failures, Gordon Brown, followed a long tradition going back to John Stewart, Earl of Bute in 1762-3, the favourite of King George III who was driven from office in a matter of months because the English just could not stand him.