THE media certainly had much to choose from on Monday, in making “headline news”. Yet another variant in the long road of Covid, SNP conference with leader Nicola Sturgeon addressing delegates, and a reshuffle of the shadow cabinet at Westminster. So much to choose from, and much to dwell over.

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon pushes independence campaign ahead of 2023 vote

The new variant is certainly a setback on our long road to beating the virus and getting back to some kind of normality – the words of Nicola Sturgeon as she gave a speech dominated by Covid. But another important announcement we should not overlook, was that of the doubling of the Scottish Child Payment from April 2022 (£20/week). Scotland is the only place in the UK to have introduced such a payment, it is indeed a game-changer for so many families and households struggling on a daily basis. The reshuffle of the shadow cabinet at Westminster is ongoing as I write this letter, but whatever the outcome, families and households throughout the country will benefit little from this reshuffle.

Catriona C Clark