HOW many in Westminster voting through the Overseas Operations Bill will have heard the crack of a bullet passing over their heads?

Thank you David Pratt for an article which covers the details of the latest Tory rule-bending on the issue of war crimes (Even with war crimes the Tories seek to bend the rules, September 24).

READ MORE: David Pratt: Even with war crimes the Tories seek to bend the rules

The five-year cut-off date, after which charges of murder and torture on the part of a British soldier can be dropped, neatly undermines the International Criminal Court of Justice. A fine example to set world dictators, such as the draft dodger in America, and a splendid example of how low a Tory politician can stoop ... that is, until Blair and Brown come to mind.

Is it an endemic problem in Westminster administrations? There is only one solution, and the sooner the better before Scotland becomes the strategic fall guy should major international events get out of control.

Iain R Thomson