JACKSON Carlaw intends to make every one of his Tory candidates sign a “notoindyref2” pledge.

I hope those Scots who choose to vote Tory in this election understand that they wouldn’t simply be voting against independence, they would be voting to live in a country that has abandoned democracy.

It is right and proper that one can decide to oppose independence, but isn’t it wholly undemocratic to deny Scots their fundamental right for the question of how they are governed to be asked whenever they decide it should?

READ MORE: Scottish Tory candidates told to sign no2indyref vow for election

Given the fascist and illegal attempt by the Boris Johnson-led Tories to prorogue the Westminster Parliament to stifle opposition, isn’t this just the latest example of Tories attempting to dictate to us, democratic accountability cast aside in pursuit of their own agenda?

If the electorate truly want to live in a democracy, then voting for Tories like Carlaw and Johnson won’t deliver it.

Jim Taylor