BBC – business as usual. Gove repeating and rewinding the same non-answers to questions and Marr allows him to prattle on almost uninterrupted. On comes Sturgeon and Marr goes into interrupt mode ad infinitum.

So predictable, so BBC. Nothing new to see here, and a waste of time complaining it is too obvious. Like Boris, they don’t care what it looks like. They are in charge.

Then we come to DRoss on the radio; so predictable and DRoss. He knows nothing except to echo Ruthie, but still allowed to prattle on. Didn’t he “guarantee” us a referendum unless we voted for him? Can someone tell him we did not vote for him, and therefore we are calling in his guarantee when we are ready for it.

So as far as Gove, Boris, and DRoss are all concerned, they are still in the anti-democratic mode. “Now is not the time”, and for them it will never be the time. They are too afraid to say no or call it because they know fine what will happen.

Winifred McCartney
