THE first poll since the Dominic Cummings lockdown trip story broke shows the row has knocked the Prime Minister’s approval rating is in negative territory for the first time.

Boris Johnson’s top adviser is caught in a row over his 250-mile trip with his wife and son to his parents’ Durham farm while sick with Covid-19. He argues he acted lawfully, and the Prime Minister has backed the controversial figure.

READ MORE: Douglas Ross resigns as minister over Dominic Cummings row

However the story has dominated the news since it broke on Friday and shows no sign of disappearing, with a Scottish Tory minister resigning this morning over the scandal.

The Savanta ComRes data tracker found that in just four days, Johnson’s approval rating has dropped from 19% to -1%.

It also found the overall UK Government approval rating is at -2% - it dropped 16 points in one day.

ITV's Paul Brand commented on the news, saying: "Always wary of taking too much from a poll, but this fall is dramatic enough to suggest the story has certainly been damaging for the government."

Meanwhile a new Ipsos Mori poll, conducted between May 14 and 20, found 82% of people think the First Minister has handled the crisis well.

The survey also shows strong approval for the Scottish Government’s handling of the pandemic, with about 80% of people saying it had dealt with it either very well or fairly well.