The National:

PICTURE the scene: you've just woken up on EU election results day. You open Twitter for the latest news. There's a tweet from the BBC Politics account listing all the parties' results. Except ... something's not right ...

Where are the SNP

Have you woken up in some parallel universe in which Scotland doesn't exist? Was the SNP just a dream all along? You'd be forgiven for making these assumptions. 

READ MORE: Sturgeon praises 'historic and spectacular' SNP election victory

The BBC Politics tweet in question, posted this morning, lists results from England and Wales but not Scotland. 

The tweet wasn't the only one of its kind - throughout the results process several journalists posted running totals of the ballots so far which excluded Scotland entirely. 

Yes, our full result wasn't available until later today, but there was only one local authority still to declare at the time the tweet was posted. It was pretty safe to declare who would likely take their seats in the European Parliament by that point.

Of course, the tweet didn't get off criticism-free. Many people pointed out that a certain party's results had been excluded.

How many times do we need to go through this?